Publication in English
Mediation in Progress: Collection of articles performed by participants of the Erasmus+ project “Mediation: Training and Society Transformation” / MEDIATS.
This publication contains the academic and practice-oriented articles, which represent achievements in the use, teaching and promotion of mediation in the countries participating in the MEDIATS project (Netherlands, Latvia, Spain, Germany, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Ukraine). The value and uniqueness of this collection of articles is the description of the diversity of approaches to the use of mediation - both legal and managerial backgrounds. The publications are the quintessence of the unique experience of the countries participating in the project, which can be studied and comprehended for the further development of mediation, a culture of conflict resolution, and the organization of dialogues. The collection will be useful to practicing mediators, lawyers, attorneys, judges, business owners and managers, as well as students of educational programs in the field of mediation and conflict management.
Publication in Ukrainian
Mediation. UA: new approaches and tools of conflict management in modern conditions.
The monograph analyzes and highlights promising directions for the development of mediation and conflict management in Ukraine. The publication presents trends and prospects for the development of mediation in Ukraine, practical experience of conflict management in the business environment, describes mediation technologies for settling disputes and conflicts in various areas, as well as scientific and practical approaches to improving psychological awareness and professional development of a mediator.
The purpose of the monograph is to acquaint interested specialists with the most modern trends and methods of conflict resolution, presenting scientifically based research materials and results obtained by the authors in practice.
The authors of the chapters were researchers and teachers of mediation in Ukraine - scientists, consultants, mediators, managers who are related to conflict management in their daily professional activities.
The monograph will be of interest to a wide range of scientists, specialists, managers, entrepreneurs, students of higher education and scientific degrees, all interested persons who are interested in and study the issues of mediation and alternative dispute resolution and conflicts
Publication 2 in Georgian/ English
Adapting the Mediation to the Online Environment
International Publication 1 in English
Collection of Articles of Project Teams
Page Title
The collection of scientific works “Legal Bulletin” is the legal successor of the “Legal Bulletin of the “KROK” University edition and the joint scientific publication of the “KROK” University (Ukraine) (Certificate of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of printed mass media KВ No24369-14209PR 26.03.2020). International databases and catalogs indexing publications: Google Scholar; National Library of Ukraine after V.I.Vernadsky.
The first issue of the Bulletin contains articles by scientists from higher educational institutions and research institutions of Project Partners. It is designed for scientific and pedagogical workers of higher educational establishments, PhD students, master degree students, practitioners in the fields of theory and history of state law, constitutional, administrative, civil, civil procedural, criminal, criminal-procedural, economical, financial, international law, as well as in other problem aspects concerning theoretical and applied researches of the application of law.
Publication 1 in Georgian
Collection of Articles
On June 11, 2021 Ilia State University School of Law organized a public presentation of the first Publication on mediation named "The Importance of Mediation and Development Perspectives in Georgia".
The authors of the articles from ISU School of Law, Davit Maisuradze and Dimitri Dzagnidze, also Keti Devadze, Ketevan Beridze, and Davit Katamadze from Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University presented a short presentation of the articles published in the Publication.
You can find the recorded video here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=480333943026960&ref=watch_permalink