4-8 February 2019,Hoeven, Breda (Netherlands)
Study Visits 1,2 and kick-off
9-13 December 2019, Riga, Latvia
Training and PSCM2
13-17 January 2020, Murcia, Spain
Training 2 and Study Visit 3
15 July 2020, Online
25 July, 2023, Cluster Event "Eurointegration: Ensuring Sustainable Development of Higher Education and Society in Ukraine."
25 July, 2023
Cluster Event "Eurointegration: Ensuring Sustainable Development of Higher Education and Society in Ukraine."
On July 25, 2023, the National coordinator of MEDIATS project in Ukraine took an active part at the cluster event on digitalisation "Eurointegration: Ensuring Sustainable Development of Higher Education and Society in Ukraine."
The aim of the event was to disseminate leading experience and monitor the results of projects in the field of Higher Education Capacity Building, ensuring synergy among projects operating within a specific cluster, and promoting thematic priorities of the EU Erasmus+ Program, particularly quality, digitalization, and inclusion.
Approximately 70 representatives from projects under the EU Erasmus+ Program's Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) strand, higher education institutions, and research institutions participated in the webinar.
During the webinar the results of the project "Mediation: Training and Society Transformation" (599010-EPP-1-2018-1-NL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP-MEDIATS-Mediation: training and society transformation) were presented.
National coordinator in Ukraine showcased the methods for promoting mediation values in Ukrainian society and introduced the Master's programs in Mediation of three Ukrainian institutions to the participants of the event.
Many thanks to the organizers - the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine and the National Experts on Higher Education Reform of the EU Erasmus+ Program, and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine!
26-28 October
International Highlight Event 2
Ilia State University School of Law and Association of Mediators of Georgia
Tbilisi, Georgia
On October 26-28, Ilia State University School of Law, in cooperation with the Association of Mediators of Georgia, held the International Highlight Event 2 in Tbilisi, Georgia.
The event was opened with a welcome speech by Irakli Porchkhidze, the Dean of the Law School of Ilia State University, Jan Van Zwieten, the Rector of the Netherlands Business Academy, and Irakli Kandashvili, the Chairman of the Association of Mediators of Georgia. KROK team was presented by Andrii Lotariev – Director of Educational and Scientific Institute of International Education at KROK University and Olga Karpova – SEO of KROK Business School.
At the panel discussion, leading specialists in the field and representatives of the academic field discussed about the development trends of mediation in Georgia and in partner countries and emphasized the role of courts and educational institutions in this process.
At the event, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Association of Mediators of Georgia and the Business Academy of the Netherlands.
In the final part of the first day event, a workshop organized by the Netherlands Business Academy and Ilia State University was held for mediators and for other interested parties.
On the second day all partners presented the project results, developed by their HEIs.
Also, within the framework of the event, the Georgian mediator conducted a workshop for those interested in Mediation, as well as the presentation of publication #2 and presentations of partners about the implementation of the project were held to the general public.

Sustainability Events of Erasmus+ Project MEDIATS
On October 21-22, 2022, sustainability events of Erasmus+ project «Mediation: Training and Society Transformation» were organized in Berlin, Germany, with participation of MEDIATS partners from Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, the Netherlands and Spain. The activities were organized at Freie Berlin University by Hultgren Nachhaltigkeitsberatung UG, consulting company from Berlin, partner of the project.
Halyna Bohachenko, Director of International Project Office of Educational and Scientific Institute of International Education of «KROK» University, represented MEDIATS team of «KROK» University in the role of Partner and Co-coordinator.
During the sustainability training, under the guidance of Oliver Schmidt, director of Hultgren Nachhaltigkeitsberatung UG, and Jan van Zwieten, Rector of Netherlands Business Academy, partners continued to work on sustainability of Mediation program and mediation structure, as well as on ensuring that the project results will be used by multiple stakeholders.
During the project activities management sessions were also organized, using the opportunity of presence of all partners. The general overview of the project was done, focusing on the achieving of project results according to qualitative and quantitative indicators.
On the same days Entrepreneurship summit was conducted, being visited by part of EANET team «Entrepreneurship Alumni Network» (2013-2017). Taking into account that some EANET partners are MEDIATS partners, participants were brought together, joining the Summit and having networking sessions.
Thanks to our partners for organizing such kinds of events.

30-31 October 2022
Project Steering Committee 6
Batumi State University, Georgia
30-31 October 2022 in frameworks of the EU Erasmus+ CBHE project "Mediation: Training and Society Transformation/ MEDIATS", 6th Project Steering Committee was hosted by Batumi State University, Georgia.
The event included discussion of management, documentation and reporting aspects. As the project is on the final stage of implementation, the project overview was done and achieved results comparing to indicators were considered.
Experienced team of Ilia State University - Manana Salukvadze, International Projects Financial Coordinator, and Salome Shedania, Deputy Head of Research Development, organized management sessions on preparation of the final report, considering each part of the report in details – e-form, annexes, financial statement, supporting documentation. They provided valuable recommendations and consultations to MEDIATS partners.
BSU organized University Tour for the participants and presented Mediation Centre.
We are sincerely grateful to Batumi State University for hosting of the event, to Ilia State University for - providing qualified recommendations and to all partners for active participation and pleasant atmosphere!

26-27 January 2022
Project Steering Committee Meeting 5
Kyiv, Ukraine
26-27 January 2022 Fifth Project Steering Committee Meeting of Erasmus+ "Mediation: Training and Society Transformation/ MEDIATS" was hosted by KROK University.
At the meeting of the teams of Karazin Business School of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine), Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Ukraine), Khazar University (Azerbaijan), Ganja State University (Azerbaijan), Ilia State University (Georgia), Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University (Georgia) presented the results, achievements, work plans, reporting documents. The team of coordinators hold individual meetings with each partner to discuss the documentation in details.

24-26 January 2022
International Highlight Event
Kyiv, Ukraine
24-26 January 2022 International Highlight Event of MEDIATS project was organized at KROK University.
24-26 January 2022 in frameworks of the EU Erasmus+ capacity building of higher education project "Mediation: Training and Society Transformation/ MEDIATS", International Highlight Event on Dissemination of Project Results was hosted by KROK University.
Day 1 of International Highlight Event was opened by Anatoliy FRANTSUZ, Hero of Ukraine, Ph.D. in Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Head of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines of "KROK" University.
Svitlana SHITIKOVA, Project Coordinator of the National ERASMUS + Office in Ukraine warmly greeted the participants focusing on importance of dissemination of Erasmus+ Projects.
Jan van Zwieten, rector of Netherlands Business Academy also welcomed the participants and presented the topic “How to make mediation Successful in Ukraine, basing on international experience.”
Presentation of project results were also given by project partners: Business School of KROK University, Karazin Business School of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine), Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Ukraine), Khazar University (Azerbaijan), Ganja State University (Azerbaijan), Ilia State University (Georgia), Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University (Georgia).
The moderators of the Day 1 were Andriі Lotariev, Head of International Office of KROK University, Halyna Bohachenko, Projects and Programs Manager of International Office.
The second day of International Highlight Event was opened by Petro PATSURKIVSKY, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, member of the working group of the MEDIATS grant project from Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, who also presented the topic “New value challenges of mediation in Ukraine”
Natalia MAZARAKI, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of International, Civil and Commercial Law at Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, presented “Ensuring the quality of mediation services”
Representatives of League of Mediators of Ukraine, National Association of Mediators of Ukraine, Association of Family Mediators of Ukraine presented the activities of in field of mediation and participated in discussion.
Presentations and panel discussion with the participation of representatives of public, non-governmental organizations and associations of mediators of Ukraine was organized, with the following key speakers:
Anna ZUBACHOVA. Chairman of the Board and Member of the Board LIMU, mediator, lecturer of Mediation Program of KROK Business School, participant of trainings of MEDIATS project,
Kateryna NAROVSKA, Vice-President of the NGO "NAMU", co-founder and Honorary member of the NGO "NAMU",
Anzhela KRYCHYNA, Member of the board and founder of LIMU,
Svitlana STADNYK, President and member NGO "AFMU", International Mediator, participant of trainings of MEDIATS project.
The session was moderated by Oleg Triboy, lawyer, lecturer of KROK Business School, International Counsellor of Mediation, participant of trainings of MEDIATS project.
In the second half of the day the workshops by mediators from Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, the Netherlands, Spain, Latvia were organized.
On the third day the participants hold consultations, exchanged best practices, ideas, continued discussion of development of mediation in different countries and implementation of the mediation program.
IHE was broadcasted online and is available on youtube. Enjoy the videos following the links:
Day 1: https://youtu.be/n8TwiM2Wj2s
Day 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_hfzeuaBrQ
IHE involved about 625 participants online and offline on the first day and about 230 participants on the second day.
15-27 October 2021
Internships for students
Murcia, Spain
15-27 October 2021, students of the mediation programs took part in a two-week internship at the UCAM Catholic University of Murcia.
The internship included training with practical cases. But the "highlight" was the mediation simulations conducted in specialized classrooms, which look as if it is the office of a professional mediator!
The students have taken such courses as: "Corporate diplomacy, strategy and tools of mediation", "Criminal mediation", "Negotiation technologies", "Commercial law and ADR", "International mediation", "Family mediation" and even tried themselves in virtual reality during the lecture "Simulation experience in virtual reality ”and this is only part of the material that has been studied!
Every day, the group had the opportunity to communicate with professors of management and law from UCAM, as well as with practising mediators from Madrid, Murcia or even the United Kingdom.
1-14 November 2021
Internship for students
Dordrecht, the Netherlands
1-14 November 2021 internship for students from MEDIATS Partner countries was organized at Netherlands Business Academy, in Dordrecht, the Netherlands. After the completion of the 2-week course the participants received Certificates.
Throughout the program, the trainers emphasized that the main skill of a mediator is a neutral position and not imposing one's point of view on the parties. Also, trainers who are practicing mediators revealed the main secrets of mediation.
The participants from Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Georgia had a great experience and understanding that mediation has become a part of their lives, because it is more about conflict resolution, it is about the quality of communication and the climate in society.
01 February 2021
Project Steering Committee Meeting 4 of MEDIATS project was oganized online via zoom on 1 February 2021. The partners presented their achievements for the period of half a year, the feedback on Progress Report was analyzed, administrative and financial issues, as well as dissemination and sustainability were discussed.
The detailed list of issues included:
Presentation of partners on Implementation of Mediation Program and Mediation Federation (cooperation with governmental structures)
Feedback on the Progress Report
Timeline of project activities
Preparation of timesheets, joint declarations for 6-month period
Articles for publication
Dissemination of project activities, news
Reporting for Quality Manager on 2nd year of project implementation

15 July 2020
On 15 July 2020 the Online Project Steering Committee Meeting 3 of Erasmus+ project MEDIATS “Mediation: Training and Society Transformation” was held with participation of project teams from the Netherlands, Spain, Latvia, Germany, Ukraine, Georgia and Azerbaijan. At the meeting the achieved results and challenges of MEDIATS, preparation of Progress Report, the preliminary dates for the project meetings with hosts (in case the borders will be opened), internships of students, purchase of equipment and books were discussed. KROK University, the owner of the WP Dissemination and Sustainability presented the activities of the workpackage in details – organization of international and national highlight events, issuing of publications, project newsletter, website, promotional campaign.
The second part of the meeting was dedicated to the discussion of Mediation structures development and mediation values promotion. University representatives talked about the updates on WP4. Jan van Zwieten, Rector of NLBA presented the Dutch Mediation Register. The great benefit of the meeting was that the Chairman of Mediators Association of Georgia, Irakli Kandashvili, joined the meeting, made presentation on the newly established association and its activities in general and answered the questions of the partners.
13 - 17 January 2020 activities within the project Erasmus+ «Mediation: Training and Society Transformation (MEDIATS)», namely the second part of the training for the academic staff of the Master Degree Program in Mediation and third Study Visit were held at the Universidad Catolica de Murcia (UCAM) in Spain, with participation of partners from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Spain, Latvia, the Netherlands and Ukraine.
The participants of the EU-funded Erasmus+ project MEDIATS: academic staff/lecturers of Master Degree Program in Mediation of partner HEIs continued the training on mediation, the first part of which was held in Riga (Latvia) 9-13 December 2019. The training was developed on the basis of the program of the Netherlands Business Academy (NLBА), supplemented with the experience of Turiba University, Latvia, and UCAM, Spain, included theoretical and practical parts. After the training participants received the certificates.
In parallel the third study visit was organized, which included the learning of processes and envrironment of mediation in Spain, project management meetings, University tour. The program included external visits to Mediation Association, the House of Justice of Murcia and Professional Attorneys College of te Region f Murcia. Representatives of HEIs had the opportunity to discuss preparation of joint projects with UCAM, to learn their experience in different fields, plan future activities and dissemination of project results.
13-17 January 2020
Murcia, Spain
Training 2 and Study Visit 3
9-13 December 2019
Riga, Latvia
Training and PSCM2
On December 9-13, 2019 in Riga, Latvia, the Training and Project Steering Committee Meeting 2 of Erasmus + project «Mediation: Education and Society Transformation» was held.
The intensive training was organized during 5 days, 9 a.m.- 6 p.m. and included theoretical and practical activities on the following topics: Conflicts and Commitment, The Cost Benefit Analysis of a Conflict, Profile of a Negotiator, Methodical approach to transition from POV to Interests: The Pyramid, Separate on Facts and Emotions: “The Pirouette”, Broaden Inventory, Reframing, Stop Methodology, technique of Meaningful feedback, Work with Coil and Uncoil, Stop Sign Technique, MM and patterns, Spatial Game Situational mediation=adaptation of style per situational indication. The training was prepared according to methodology and materials of Basic Training of NLBA, included a lot of group activities and practicing skills and techniques, watching and discussing of movies. The visit to the parliament was made, during which the participants learnt how mediation works in Latvia. The group of trainers represented all participating EU HEIs: Jan van Zwieten, Gea van Klompenburg, Marjon Kuipers were trainers from Netherlands Business Academy, Dana Rone, trainer from Turiba University and Fransesco de Angelis represented University San Antonio. 5 participants, that later will be lecturers of Master Degree Program, from each partner HEI participated in the training.
Project Steering Committee Meeting 2 was held on 10-11 December, and included presentation of the vision and perspectives of the project, delivered by Jan van Zwieten, rector of NLBA. Partners 4-10 presented the results of their activities and achievements. The coordinators presented and discussed how to avoid penalties for the project consortium, reporting to EACEA, documentation of the project - travel costs, timesheets, joint declarations, registration of the project, purchase of equipment, pre-financing, monitoring of the project, project logo, new dates for project events, organization of internships of students, quality assurance, upcoming training and study visit in Murcia (Program, Travel).
4-8 February 2019
Hoeven, Breda (Netherlands)
Study Visits 1,2 and kick-off
On February 4-8, 2019 in Hoeven, the Netherlands, the first event of the Erasmus + project «Mediation: Education and Society Transformation» was held.
The program of the event included study visits to learn European experience in building of Mediation environment, development and implementation of training programs on mediation, as well as meeting of the steering committee. The participants presented their universities, experts from the University of Turiba (Latvia), the Netherlands Business Academy (the Netherlands), the Catholic University of San Antonio (Spain) shared their experience. Representatives of the International Institute of Mediation (the Netherlands) discussed mediation in an international perspective and offered case activities.
The participants discussed the concept of "mediation" in details, learnt the structure of professional associations of mediators, legislative regulation of mediation in the EU, role and place of mediation in society. Mediators-practitioners from the Netherlands, USA, Latvia were also involved to the discussions.
On February 6, the project team visited the court of Breda, where they met with judges and representatives of the court mediation bureau. The participants developed and agreed action plans for launching of Master's degree programs in Mediation at partner universities and creation of Mediation Federations in Ukraine, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. In parallel, individual consultations were held, partners shared ideas and impressions. The final presentations of the teams summarized the experience gained by the participants during the week.
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