About Mediation Program
Mediation Program is a consequence and an instrument of internationalization of higher education and at the same time, thanks to the recognition of ECTS credits received in other institutions of higher education, it promotes the mobility of students, supports innovative changes in the training. The program is implemented during the master's cycle of higher education. The results of training under the program are determined in accordance with the European qualification framework of EQF and provide for the acquisition of persons studying under the program.
General and special competencies (knowledge, abilities, skills, potential and values necessary for the subject area of mediation) were defined.
general competencies that are significant for its graduates: GC 1. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations; GC 2. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and professional activities; GC 3. The ability to communicate in a foreign language, including in the professional field; GC 4. The ability to be critical and self-critical; GC 5. Ability to adapt and act in a new situation; GC 6. The ability to generate new ideas (creativity) GC 7. The ability to make informed decisions; GC 8. Ability to interpersonal interaction; GC 9. Value and respect for diversity and multiculturalism; GC 10. The ability to work autonomously; GC 11. The ability to act socially responsible and consciously; GC 12. Awareness of equal opportunities and gender issues;
special competencies (knowledge, abilities, skills, potential and values necessary for the subject area of mediation) SC 1. Knowledge and understanding of the legal nature of mediation, the ability to act in accordance with it; SC 2. The ability to understand and apply mediation as an alternative to state courts value and institution; SC 3. The ability to apply European mediation standards; SC 4. Understanding the professional responsibility of the mediator and the ability to act in accordance with its ethical standards; SC 5. The ability to transfer their professional knowledge and experience of the mediator to other persons; SC 6. The ability to distinguish features of mediation in various categories of disputes and act in accordance with them; SC 7. The ability to act in accordance with the conflictological competence of the mediator; SC 8. The ability to act in accordance with the communicative competence of the mediator; SC 9. The ability to act in accordance with the procedural competence of a mediator; SC 10. The ability to act in accordance with the reflective competence of the mediator; SC 11. The ability to act in accordance with the legal competence of the mediator.
Student-centrism is the basis for the planning, organization, and training of mediators in the Mediation Program. It defines the goals and contents of the entire program, the principles and procedures for ensuring its quality, the forms and methods of the educational process, the criteria for ensuring and evaluating the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by the students of the program. The program fully shares the understanding of the nature of student-centrism in accordance with the “Standards and Recommendations for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area” as amended on May 14-15, 2015 - as the university providing such teaching of educational program that encourages students to actively participate in the creation of educational process and such an assessment of their acquired knowledge and skills, reflecting this approach.
The program is compatible with the ECTS standards and ESG guidelines regarding the quality of higher education. The distribution of credits by academic discipline is weighted. A balanced training load of students in the program is guaranteed by the participation of students in the planning and implementation of the educational process. The program promotes the mobility.